Thursday, 19 June 2014


I have captured the important notes on Java Collectionsthrough various reference across the web which may be useful to others to have quick refresh.

The key interfaces used by the collections framework are List, Set and Map.
The List and Set extends the Collection interface.
  • Map is an interface for a key-value map
  • HashMap is a Map that uses a hash table for its implementation
  • Hashtable is a synchronized version of HashMap
  • TreeMap uses a tree to implement a map
  • ConcurrentHashMap allows for multiple threads to access it at the same time safely
  • LinkedHashMap preserves the iteration order that things were inserted in (others don’t provide a fixed iteration order)

ArrayList /HashMap
It’s synchronized by default.
It’s not synchronized
 Hashtable doesn’t allow nulls.
HashMap allows null values as key and value.
Enumerations returned by Vector/Hashtable isn't fail-fast.
Iterator in the ArrayList/HashMap is fail-fast
Hashtable can’t retain the order.
HashMap can retain the order of objects in the Collection with key-value pair by swaping to LinkedHashMap.
temporarily synchronize collections as needed:
Map myMap = Collections.synchronizedMap (myMap);
List myList = Collections.synchronizedList (myList);

It’s faster, if you know the size upfront
Can grow/Shrink from their initial size as needed.

These are more abstract than arrays and access is restricted.
For example, a stack allows access to only last item inserted.

Initial Capacity default is 10
It increase by  factor of 1.5 

Inserting n elements at the back of an ArrayList is guaranteed to take total O(n) time. 

Array is a fixed length data structure
ArrayList is a variable length Collection class
You can not change length of Array once created in Java
ArrayList re-size itself when gets full depending upon capacity and load factor
Array can contain both primitives and Objects in Java
you can not store primitives in ArrayList, it can only contain Objects

Though automatic resize of ArrayList may slow down insertion a bit 

Set (HashSet , TreeSet)

List (ArrayList, LinkedList, Vector)
A Set is a collection with unique elements and prevents
duplication within the collection.
Elements are unordered. Need to implement SortedSet.
A List is a collection with an ordered sequence of elements
and may contain duplicates.
HashSet and TreeSet are implementations of a Set interface.
ArrayList, LinkedList and Vector are implementations of a List interface. (i.e. an index based)
A TreeSet implements the SortedSet

ArrayList use RandomAccess interface , its access elements randomly And Linked list use Queue interface , it adding and deleting elements from both side so insertion and deletion elements are fast

It's implemented using resizable array
It's implemented using doublyLinkedList. 
Array provides O(1) performance for get(index) method but remove is costly in ArrayList as you need to rearrange all elements

LinkedList doesn't provide Random or index based access and you need to iterate over linked list to retrieve any element which is of order O(n).

Adding and Removing is very slow  as it has to rearrange all elements.
Adding and Remove are easy and fast in LinkedList. adding is O(1) operation in LinkedList.

Linked lists enable you to insert objects at the head or in the middle of the list without shuffling all subsequent elements along.
Fast for RandomAccess

TreeSet maintains sorting order.
For Insertion order
HashSet does not maintain any order
TreeSet is a SortedSet implementation which allows it to keep elements in the sorted order defined by either Comparable or Comparator interface.

TreeSet is bit slower because of sorting operation it needs to perform on each insertion.
LinkedHashSet is second on performance or almost similar to HashSet.
HashSet is fastest.
TreeSet provides guaranteed O(log(n)) time for common operations like add, remove and contains
 LinkedHashSet offer constant time performance e.g. O(1) for add, contains and remove given hash function uniformly distribute elements in bucket.
 HashSet offer constant time performance e.g. O(1) for add, contains and remove given hash function uniformly distribute elements in bucket.
TreeSet is backed up by NavigableMap in Java and by default it uses TreeMap
LinkedHashSet is implemented using HashSet and LinkedList
HashSet is backed by an HashMap instance
TreeSet doesn't allow null
LinkedHashSet allows null
HashSet allows null
TreeSet uses compareTo() method for maintaining ordering.
LinkedHashSet uses equals() method in Java for comparison
HashSet uses equals() method in Java for comparison

A map can contain duplicate values, but the keys in a map must be distinct.
HashMap, WeakHashMap, TreeMap and Hashtable are implementations of a Map
LinkedHashMap extends HashMap and implements Map
A TreeMap is an ordered HashMap, which implements the SortedMap interface.

No guarantee will remain constant over time
Sorted according to the natural ordering
Get/Put/remove/ containskey

Because the TreeMap stores the keys based on their natural ordering, the hashCode method is not used at all.

Each element put into the TreeMap rebalances the tree, so that searching, deletion, and
further insertion can always be performed as efficiently as possible: O(log n) .
O(1) +  expense of maintaining linkedlist.
Only values
Red-Black tree
Double-linked buckets

HashMap is implemented as a hash table, and there is no ordering on keys or values.
TreeMap is implemented based on red-black tree structure, and it is ordered by the key.
LinkedHashMap preserves the insertion order

Enables you to traverse through a collection in the forward direction only, for obtaining or removing elements.
Allows bidirectional traversal of list and also allows the modification of elements.

Collection ordering
SortedSet and SortedMap interfaces maintain sorted order.
The classes, which implement the Comparable interface, impose natural order.
By implementing Comparable, sorting an array of objects or a collection (List etc) is as simple as:

Comparable interface
Comparator interface
The “Comparable” allows itself to compare with another
similar object (i.e. A class that implements Comparable
becomes an object to be compared with).
The Comparator is used to compare two different objects.
The method compareTo() is specified in the interface.
int compare(Object o1, Object o2)
Not possible to sort by multiple fields.
Can have more control by having own Comparator class.  Here we can sort by multiple fields [first by id and then by name…]


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