Friday 31 October 2014

Java 8 - Collecting Data With Streams

Here's some examples of various ways we can collect Data with streams

GIVEN : A Menu which contains a list of Dishes
        List menu = Arrays.asList(
                new Dish("pork", false, 800, Dish.Type.MEAT),
                new Dish("beef", false, 700, Dish.Type.MEAT),
                new Dish("chicken", false, 400, Dish.Type.MEAT),
                new Dish("french fries", true, 530, Dish.Type.OTHER),
                new Dish("rice", true, 350, Dish.Type.OTHER),
                new Dish("season fruit", true, 120, Dish.Type.OTHER),
                new Dish("pizza", true, 550, Dish.Type.OTHER),
                new Dish("prawns", false, 300, Dish.Type.FISH),
                new Dish("salmon", false, 450, Dish.Type.FISH));

Dish(String name, boolean vegetarian, int calories, Type type)

Count the number of Dishes:

Finding maximum and minimum in a Stream of values
 Optional highCalorieDish =
Summarization - the below methods are avaialble in Collectors for Summarization Collectors.summingInt Collectors.summingLong Collectors.summingDouble
 We also have equivalent for average Collectors.averagingInt/averagingLong/averagingDouble
int totalCalories =;
double avgCalories =;

This Collector gathers all that information in a class called IntSummaryStatistics
IntSummaryStatistics menuStatistics =;

IntSummaryStatistics{count=9, sum=4300, min=120,average=477.777778, max=800}

Joining Strings -Collector which reduces a Stream to a single result doesn’t operate on
numeric values but allows a concatenation of Strings
String shortMenu =", "));

Generalized summarization with reduction - Collectors.reducing factory method is a generalization of all of the above specialized cases.
int totalCalories =, Dish::getCalories, (Integer i, Integer j) -> i + j));

Optional mostCalorificDish, d2) -> d1.getCalories() > d2.getCalories() ? d1 : d2));

Various ways to find the total number of calories in the menu:
Using Data Processing way :
System.out.println("Using Data Processing way ...with reduce " +, Integer::sum));
System.out.println("Using Data Processing way ..."               +;

Using Data Collecting way
 System.out.println("Using Data Collecting way ..."               +;
 System.out.println("Using Data Collecting way with reduction..." +, Dish::getCalories, Integer::sum)));

Grouping - Group the dishes based on the type using Collectors.groupingBy factory method

Map<Dish.Type, List<Dish>> dishesByType =;

FISH=[prawns, salmon], 
OTHER=[french fries, rice, season fruit, pizza],
MEAT=[pork, beef, chicken]
Here, you pass to the groupingBy method a Function extracting the corresponding Dish.Type for each Dish in the Stream. We call this Function a classification function because it’s used to classify the elements of the Stream in different groups.

Complex Classification Ex -
classify as “diet” all dishes with 400 calories or fewer,
set to “normal” the dishes having between 400 and 700 calories, and
set to “fat” the ones with more than 700 calories.

 public enum CaloricLevel {DIET, NORMAL, FAT}
  Map<CaloricLevel, List<Dish>> dishMap =
                        dish -> {
                            if (dish.getCalories() <= 400) return Dish.CaloricLevel.DIET;
                            else if (dish.getCalories() <= 700) return Dish.CaloricLevel.NORMAL;
                            else return Dish.CaloricLevel.FAT;

Collecting data in subgroups
1. count the number of dishes for each type
Map<Dish.Type, Long> numberOfDishesByType =

2. retrieves total calories of each Dish type
Map<Dish.Type, Integer> integerMap =
                                Collectors.reducing(0, Dish::getCalories, (a, b) -> a + b)

Map<Dish.Type, Integer> totalCaloriesByType =

3. Calories available in the menu for each type of dish
Map<Dish.Type, List<Integer>> typeListMap =

FISH=[300, 450], 
OTHER=[530, 350, 120, 550], 
MEAT=[800, 700, 400]

Wednesday 6 August 2014

Mongo DB for Java Developers

I have just enrolled the Mongo DB for Java Developers course from 10gen, which has started yesterday.

It's a 7 week course as the course goes on, I will keep a note of the important points during the lecture for each week.


MongoDB -

  • Non-Relational JSON Document Store
  • NO SQL
  • Dynamic Schema [Schema less] - different documents have different schema
  • It's a Document oriented DB
  • Doesn't support Joins[as they are not particularly horizontally scalable], Transactions across multiple collections

mongod - is the primary database process that runs on an individual server.
mongo binary provides an administrative shell, which connects to MongoDB through TCP.
Mongo Java - is the driver which communicates MongoDB through TCP

Basic MongoDB commands, which needs to executed in Mongo Shell:

> show collections
> db.createCollection("hello", {size:2147483648})

{ "ok" : 1 }

To insert an document
> db.hello.insert({name : "Prashanth"})
WriteResult({ "nInserted" : 1 })

To find the record
> db.hello.find()
{ "_id" : ObjectId("53e35a06581079908231543e"), "name" : "Prashanth" }

Here's the MongoDB 2.6 Manual for detailed commands.

As part of the course, I have started using Java 8.
Here's the code to integrate MongoDB, Freemarker, and Spark all together.

package com.tengen;

import com.mongodb.*;
import freemarker.template.Configuration;
import freemarker.template.Template;
import spark.Spark;

import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.Map;

import static spark.Spark.halt;

 * Created by pupsPrashuVishnu on 08/08/14.
public class HelloWorldMongoDBSparkFreeMarkerStyle {

    public static void main(String[] args) throws UnknownHostException {
        final Configuration configuration = new Configuration();
        configuration.setClassForTemplateLoading(HelloWorldSparkFreeMarkerStyle.class, "/");

        MongoClient client = new MongoClient(new ServerAddress("localhost",27017));
        //client - a logical connection to Mongo cluster

        DB database = client.getDB("course");
        DBCollection dbCollection = database.getCollection("hello");

        Spark.get("/", (request, response) -> {
        StringWriter writer = new StringWriter();
        try {
            Template template = configuration.getTemplate("hello.ftl");
            DBObject document = dbCollection.findOne();
            template.process(document, writer);
            } catch (Exception e) {
            return writer;

JSON Structure

{"fruit" : ["apple","pear","peach"]}  - JSON for a simple document containing a single key "fruit" that has as its value an array containing three strings: "apple", "pear", and "peach"

{"address":{"street_address" : "23 Elm Drive", "city":"Palo Alto", "state":"California", "zipcode":"94305"} }
 JSON document with a single key, "address" that has as it value another document with the keys “street_address”, “city”, “state”, “zipcode”

We are into Week2 now, which mainly concentrated on CURD operations, MongoDB shell, manipulate MongoDB documents from Java.

 Ex to find one document where the key username is "dwight", and retrieve only the key named email.
db.users.findOne ( { "username" : "dwight" } , { "_id" : false , "email" : true } );

find all documents with type: essay and score: 50 and only retrieve the student field
db.scores.find({ type:"essay", score:50}, {student:true,_id:false});

find all documents with a score between 50 and 60, inclusive
db.scores.find({ score : { $gte : 50 , $lte : 60 } } )

find all users with name between "F" and "Q"
db.users.find( { name : { $gte : "F" , $lte : "Q" } } );

retrieves documents from a users collection where the name has a "q" in it, and the document has an email field.
db.users.find( { name : {$regex:"q"}, email : {$exists: true} } )

find all documents in the scores collection where the score is less than 50 or greater than 90
db.scores.find( { $or : [ { score : { $lt : 50 } }, { score : { $gt : 90 } } ] } ) ;

Find all documents with score less than 60
db.scores.find( { score : { $gt : 50 }, score : { $lt : 60 } } );
--Javascript replaces the first occurance with the secondone.
In this case we have to use $and
db.scores.find( { $and : [ { score : { $gt : 50 } }, { score : { $lt : 60 } } ] } ) ;

$all - should contain all of the values and take precedence of the order  in which they appear
$in - should contain atleast one of the values
db.users.find( { friends : { $all : [ "Joe" , "Bob" ] }, favorites : { $in : [ "running" , "pickles" ] } } )

Dot Notation
Here's the sample product catalog
{ product : "Super Duper-o-phonic", 
  price : 100000000000,
  reviews : [ { user : "fred", comment : "Great!" , rating : 5 },
              { user : "tom" , comment : "I agree with Fred, somewhat!" , rating : 4 } ],
  ... }
Finds all the products that cost more than 10,000 and that have a rating of 5 or better
db.catalog.find( { "price": {$gt : 10000}, "reviews.rating" : {$gte : 5} } )

Querying Cursors
 "_id" : ObjectId("50844162cb4cf4564b4694f8"),
 "student" : 0,
 "type" : "exam",
 "score" : 75
Query that retrieves exam documents, sorted by score in descending order, skipping the first 50 and showing only the next 20.
db.scores.find({type:"exam"}).sort({score : -1}).skip(50).limit(20)

Count the documents in the scores collection where the type was "essay" and the score was greater than 90
db.scores.count({type:"essay", score: {$gt : 90}})

db.users.update({"_id":"myrnarackham"},{"$set": {"country" : "RU"}})
set myrnarackham's country code to "RU" but leave the rest of the document (and the rest of the collection) unchanged.
Array operations
Suppose we have a document which contains an array as follows:
{"_id" : 0, "a" : [1,2,3,4]}
  1. db.arrays.update({_id : 0}, { $set : {"a.2" : 5} } )  - Updates the element 2 with 5
  2. -push - Add element to the right-hand-side of an array                                        db.arrays.update({_id : 0},{ $push : { a : 6 }})
  3. -pop - To remove the element from the right-hand-side of an array                             db.arrays.update({_id : 0},{ $pop : { a : 1 }})
  4. -To remove the element from the left-hand-side of an array                                            db.arrays.update({_id : 0},{ $pop : { a : -1 }})
  5. -pushAll - To add multiple elements to an array                                                        db.arrays.update({_id : 0},{ $pushAll : { a : [7,8,9]}})
  6. -pull - remove an element from any position                                                      db.arrays.update({_id : 0},{ $pull : { a : 8 }})
  7. -pullAll - removes anyoccurance/anyvalue that appear in an array                         db.arrays.update({_id : 0},{ $pullAll : { a : [8,9]}})
  8. - addToSet - acts like push if the element doesn't exist otherwise it does nothing                  db.arrays.update({_id : 0},{ $addToSet : { a : 10}})

- upsert - update the record if exists or otherwise insert an new record { username : 'bar' }, { '$set' : { 'interests': [ 'cat' , 'dog' ] } } , { upsert : true } );
-multi-update [update every document with a score less than 70 an extra 20 points]
db.scores.update({"score":{$lt :70}}, {$inc:{score:20}}, {multi:true})
Remove - Each collection has a method remove
db.people.remove({}) - removes all the documents for the collection

Java Driver - Representing Documents

Here's sample code to demonstrate Insert and Find collections
 MongoClient client = new MongoClient();
        DB courseDB = client.getDB("course");

        DBCollection insertCollection = courseDB.getCollection("insertTest");
        DBObject doc = new BasicDBObject().append("x", 0);
        DBObject doc1 = new BasicDBObject("_id", new ObjectId()).append("x", 1);
        DBObject doc2 = new BasicDBObject().append("x",2);

        //Find test
        DBCollection findCollection = courseDB.getCollection("findTest");
  for(int i =0; i<10 data-blogger-escaped-all:="" data-blogger-escaped-basicdbobject="" data-blogger-escaped-cur="" data-blogger-escaped-cursor.close="" data-blogger-escaped-cursor.hasnext="" data-blogger-escaped-cursor="findCollection.find();" data-blogger-escaped-dbcursor="" data-blogger-escaped-dbobject="" data-blogger-escaped-finally="" data-blogger-escaped-findcollection.count="" data-blogger-escaped-findcollection.findone="" data-blogger-escaped-findcollection.insert="" data-blogger-escaped-i="" data-blogger-escaped-ind="" data-blogger-escaped-ncount:="" data-blogger-escaped-new="" data-blogger-escaped-nextint="" data-blogger-escaped-nfind="" data-blogger-escaped-one:="" data-blogger-escaped-pre="" data-blogger-escaped-random="" data-blogger-escaped-system.out.println="" data-blogger-escaped-try="" data-blogger-escaped-while="" data-blogger-escaped-x="">

Here's the code to provide criteria for the query :
        //insert 10 documents with 2 random integers
        for (int i = 0; i<10 data-blogger-escaped-.and="" data-blogger-escaped-.append="" data-blogger-escaped-0="" data-blogger-escaped-10="" data-blogger-escaped-90="" data-blogger-escaped-:="" data-blogger-escaped-all:="" data-blogger-escaped-and="" data-blogger-escaped-append="" data-blogger-escaped-basicdbobject="" data-blogger-escaped-between="" data-blogger-escaped-builder.get="" data-blogger-escaped-builder="QueryBuilder.start(" data-blogger-escaped-can="" data-blogger-escaped-cur="" data-blogger-escaped-cursor.close="" data-blogger-escaped-cursor.hasnext="" data-blogger-escaped-cursor0="findCriteriaCollection.find(query);" data-blogger-escaped-cursor="findCriteriaCollection.find(builder.get());" data-blogger-escaped-dbcursor="" data-blogger-escaped-dbobject="" data-blogger-escaped-finally="" data-blogger-escaped-findcriteriacollection.count="" data-blogger-escaped-findcriteriacollection.insert="" data-blogger-escaped-greaterthan="" data-blogger-escaped-gt="" data-blogger-escaped-i="" data-blogger-escaped-is="" data-blogger-escaped-lessthan="" data-blogger-escaped-lt="" data-blogger-escaped-new="" data-blogger-escaped-nextint="" data-blogger-escaped-nfind="" data-blogger-escaped-or="" data-blogger-escaped-ount="" data-blogger-escaped-pre="" data-blogger-escaped-query="" data-blogger-escaped-querybuilder="" data-blogger-escaped-random="" data-blogger-escaped-system.out.println="" data-blogger-escaped-try="" data-blogger-escaped-u="" data-blogger-escaped-use="" data-blogger-escaped-where="" data-blogger-escaped-while="" data-blogger-escaped-x="" data-blogger-escaped-y="">
To exclude x,z, and _id in the output use :
DBCursor cursor0 = findCriteriaCollection.find(query,
                       new BasicDBObject("y",true).append("_id", false));

Homework 2.2

This was the good example to demonstrate the knowledge on CURD operations:
        MongoClient client = new MongoClient();
        DB db = client.getDB("students");
       DBCollection gradesCollection = db.getCollection("grades");

        DBCursor cursor = gradesCollection.find(new BasicDBObject("type", "homework")).sort(new BasicDBObject("student_id", 1).append("score", 1));
        int curStuId = -1;
         int previousStuId = -1;
        try {
        while (cursor.hasNext()) {
            DBObject doc =;
            curStuId = (Integer)doc.get("student_id");
            if (curStuId != previousStuId){
                previousStuId = curStuId;
                //remove cur rec
        } finally {
Ok, now we are in to Week3, which mainly discuss on Schema Design

Tuesday 5 August 2014

Java8 - Part2

I have covered most of the important topics on Lambda Expressions in my earlier post.

Here, I will be covering on Processing Data with Streams.

Processing Data with Streams

Streams lets you manipulate collections of data in a declarative way and can be processed in parallel without having to write multi-threaded code.

List lowCaloricDishes = new ArrayList<>();
for(Dish d: menu){
    if(d.getCalories() < 400){
} //first we filter the elements, using an accumulator
List lowCaloricDishesName = new ArrayList<>();
Collections.sort(lowCaloricDishes, new Comparator() {
                                   public int compare(Dish d1, Dish d2){
                                      return, d2.getCalories());
                                   }}); //then we sort the dishes, with an anonymous class
for(Dish d: lowCaloricDishes){
} //finally we process the sorted list to select the names of Dishes
List lowCaloricDishesName =
                     .filter(d -> d.getCalories() < 400) //first we select dishes that are below 400 calories
                     .sorted(comparing(Dish::getCalories)) //then we sort them by calories
                     .map(Dish::getName) //we extract the names of these dishes
                     .collect(toList()); //we store all the names into a List

chaining Stream operations forming a Stream pipeline
Stream operations that can be connected are called intermediate operations, and operations that close a stream are called terminal operations.

To summarize, the Streams API in Java 8 lets you write code that is:
  • declarative: more concise and readable 
  • composable: more flexibility 
  • parallelizable: more performance
Stream - “a sequence of elements from a source that supports aggregate operations“

Difference between Collection and Streams
has to do with when things are computed.
A Collection is an in-memory data structure, which holds all the values that the data structure currently has—every element in the Collection has to be computed before it can be added to the Collection.
By contrast a Stream is a conceptually fixed data structure, in which elements are computed on demand or pulled from an existing source.

A Stream is like a lazily constructed Collection: values are computed when they are solicited by a consumer.
A Collection is eagerly constructed

Like Iterator, the Streams can only be traversed once. After that a Stream is said to be “consumed.” You can get a new Stream from the initial data source to traverse it again just like for an Iterator.
List title = Arrays.asList("Java8", "Lambdas", "In", "Action");
Stream s =;
s.forEach(System.out::println); //  prints each word in the title
s.forEach(System.out::println); // java.lang.IllegalStateException: stream has already been operated upon or closed

List names = new ArrayList<>();
Iterator iterator = menu.iterator();
while(iterator.hasNext()) { // iterating explicitly
     Dish d =;

List names =
                       .map(Dish::getName) // we parameterize map with the getName method to extract the name of a dish
                       .collect(toList()); // start executing the pipeline of operations, no iteration!

To summarize, working with Streams in general involves three steps:

  1. A data source (such as a Collection) to perform a query on.
  2. A chain of intermediate operations, which form a stream pipeline.
  3. One terminal operation, which executes the stream pipeline and produces a result.
Filtering and Slicing
1. Filtering with a predicate
List vegetarianMenu =
                           .filter(Dish::isVegetarian) // a method reference to check if a dish is vegetarian-friendly!

2. Filtering unique elements
List numbers = Arrays.asList(1, 2, 1, 3, 3, 2, 4);
           .filter(i -> i % 2 == 0)

3. Truncating a Stream - first elements are returned up to a maximum of n.
 List dishes =
                         .filter(d -> d.getCalories() > 300)

4. Skipping elements - discards the first n elements
 List dishes =
                         .filter(d -> d.getCalories() > 300)
The Stream API provides map and flatmap which is similar to a "select" statement for selecting a particular column from a table.
Streams support the method map, which takes a function as argument to transform the elements of a Stream into another form.
For example, in the code below we pass a method reference Dish::getName to the map method to extract the names of the dishes in the stream.
List dishNames =
To find out the length of the name of each dish, we can do this by chaining another map as follows:
List dishNames =
Falttening Streams

Finding and Matching

anyMatch - “is there an element in the stream matching the given predicate”
      System.out.println(“The menu is (somewhat) vegetarian friendly!!”);
allMatch - all the elements of the stream match the given predicate.
boolean isHealthy =
                        .allMatch(d -> d.getCalories() < 1000);
noneMatch - ensures that no elements in the stream match the given predicate.
boolean isHealthy =
                        .noneMatch(d -> d.getCalories() >= 1000);
findAny - returns an arbitrary element of the current stream
The below example finds a dish which is Vegetarian
Optional dish =
The Optional class (java.util.Optional) is a container class to represent the existence or absence of a value. The below example would explicitly check the presence of a dish in the Optional object to access its name:
                    .findAny(); // returns an Optional
                    .map(Dish::getName) // returns an Optional, NB. This is map from Optional not map from Stream
                    .ifPresent(System.out::println); // if a value is contained it is printed otherwise nothing happens

findFirst - returns the first element of the current stream
For example, the code below, given a list of numbers, finds the first square that is divisible by 3:
List someNumbers = Arrays.asList(1, 2, 3, 4, 5);
Optional firstSquareDivisibleByThree =
                                                           .map(x -> x * x)
                                                           .filter(x % 3 == 0)
                                                           .findFirst(); // 9

Here's some examples of various ways we can use this in Java 8
GIVEN : A Menu which contains a list of Dishes
        List menu = Arrays.asList(
                new Dish("pork", false, 800, Dish.Type.MEAT),
                new Dish("beef", false, 700, Dish.Type.MEAT),
                new Dish("chicken", false, 400, Dish.Type.MEAT),
                new Dish("french fries", true, 530, Dish.Type.OTHER),
                new Dish("rice", true, 350, Dish.Type.OTHER),
                new Dish("season fruit", true, 120, Dish.Type.OTHER),
                new Dish("pizza", true, 550, Dish.Type.OTHER),
                new Dish("prawns", false, 300, Dish.Type.FISH),
                new Dish("salmon", false, 450, Dish.Type.FISH));

Dish(String name, boolean vegetarian, int calories, Type type)

Count the number of Dishes:

Finding maximum and minimum in a Stream of values
 Optional highCalorieDish =
Summarization - the below methods are avaialble in Collectors for Summarization Collectors.summingInt Collectors.summingLong Collectors.summingDouble
 We also have equivalent for average Collectors.averagingInt/averagingLong/averagingDouble
int totalCalories =;
double avgCalories =;

This Collector gathers all that information in a class called IntSummaryStatistics
IntSummaryStatistics menuStatistics =;

IntSummaryStatistics{count=9, sum=4300, min=120,average=477.777778, max=800}

Joining Strings -Collector which reduces a Stream to a single result doesn’t operate on
numeric values but allows a concatenation of Strings
String shortMenu =", "));

Generalized summarization with reduction - Collectors.reducing factory method is a generalization of all of the above specialized cases.
int totalCalories =, Dish::getCalories, (Integer i, Integer j) -> i + j));

Optional mostCalorificDish, d2) -> d1.getCalories() > d2.getCalories() ? d1 : d2));

Various ways to find the total number of calories in the menu:
Using Data Processing way :
System.out.println("Using Data Processing way ...with reduce " +, Integer::sum));
System.out.println("Using Data Processing way ..."               +;

Using Data Collecting way
 System.out.println("Using Data Collecting way ..."               +;
 System.out.println("Using Data Collecting way with reduction..." +, Dish::getCalories, Integer::sum)));

Thursday 31 July 2014


I was just started looking Java8 and was impressed with the features it has.

Bought the book 'Java 8 IN ACTION' , which is very good to start with.

I would share some important points from this book and add the more information as and when I get time to read this.

Let's Start

It’s an Anonymous function that can be passed around: it doesn’t have a name, but it has a list of parameters, a body, a return type, and also possibly a list of exceptions that can be thrown

Good and precise way to represent Behaviour Parameterisation

Comparator<Apple> byWeight = new Comparator<Apple>() {
public int compare(Apple a1, Apple a2){
return a1.getWeight().compareTo(a2.getWeight());
Comparator<Apple>  byWeight  = 
(Apple a1, Apple a2) -> a1.getWeight().compareTo(a2.getWeight());

With Type inference - No explicit type on the parameters a1,a2
Comparator<Apple>  byWeight  = 
(a1, a2) -> a1.getWeight().compareTo(a2.getWeight());

(parameters) -> expression

or (note the curly braces for statements)

(parameters) -> { statements; }

Has to be used in conjunction with Functional Interfaces.
To demonstrate, for ex- we have the below process method which accepts Runnable Functional Interface
   public void process(Runnable r) {;

Various ways we can call using Lambda expressions... Old Style
  Runnable r1 = new Runnable() {
            public void run() {
                System.out.println("Using Anonymous class");
        Runnable r2 = () -> System.out.println("Using Lambda Expressions");

        process(() -> System.out.println("With Lambda Expression Passed Directly"));

a functional interface is an interface that specifies exactly one abstract method, which are annotated with @FunctionalInterface
Ex:- Comparator, Runnable, Callable, Predicate, Consumer, Function

The signature of the abstract method of the functional interface essentially describes the
signature of the lambda expression. We call this abstract method a function descriptor.

Ex:- Runnable – Functional Interface
      run()  - Function Descriptor

Listing 1 - Filter method which takes the List and a Predicate, which the filters the list based on the type of Predicate it has passed.
 public static <T> List<T> filter(List<T> list, Predicate<T> predicate) {  
     List<T> result = new ArrayList<>();  
     for (T e : list) {  
       if(predicate.test(e)) {  
     return result;  
Here's some examples to call the filter:
Filter by Apple color
  List blueapples = filter(getAppleInventory(), (Apple apple) -> "blue".equalsIgnoreCase(apple.getColor()));

Filter by Even numbers:
  List evenNums = filter(getNumbers(), (Integer i) -> i % 2 == 0);

Predicate nonEmptyStringPredicate = (String s) -> !s.isEmpty();
List nonEmpt = filter(listOfStrings, nonEmptyStringPredicate);

Using Consumer functional Interface
public interface Consumer<T>{  
   public void accept(T t);  
You might use this interface when you need to access an object of type T and perform some operations on it.
public static <T> void forEach(List<T> list, Consumer<T> consumer) {  
     for (T i : list)  
we can call forEach using Lambda expressions... - The below will compute the sum of the integerList
   private static int sum = 0;
   forEach(integerList, (Integer i) -> {       
            sum = sum + i;
            System.out.println("Sum :: " + sum);
Using Function functional Interface
public interface Function<T, R>{  
   public R apply(T t);  
You might use this interface when you need to define a lambda that can extract information from the input object (for example, extracting the weight of an apple) or transform the input (for example, a string to its length).
   public static <T,R> List<R> map(List<T> list, Function<T,R> function) {  
     List<R> resultType = new ArrayList<>();  
     for (T s : list)  
     return resultType;  
we can call map() using Lambda expressions to transform the output from String to Integer...
 List<Integer> integerList = map(Arrays.asList("convert", "String", "to", "respective", "Integer", "length"), (String s) -> s.length());

Method References
 Method references let you reuse existing method definitions and pass them just like lambdas.

appleList.sort((Apple a1, Apple a2)
-> a1.getWeight().compareTo(a2.getWeight()));


For example, Apple::getWeight is a method reference to getWeight() defined in the Apple
class. It can be seen as a shorthand for the lambda expression (Apple a) ->

There are three main kinds of method references.
1. A method reference to a static method (for example, the method parseInt of Integer,
written Integer::parseInt)
2. A method reference to an instance method of an arbitrary type (for example, the
method length of a String, written String::length)
3. A method reference to an instance method of a specific object (for example, suppose
you have an object expensiveTransaction from class Transaction with an instance
method getValue(), you can write expensiveTransaction::getValue)

Composing Comparators

Reverse order - to sort in decreasing weight
appleList.sort(comparing(Apple :: getWeight).reverse());

Chaining Comparators - multiple Comparators to further refine the comparisions
appleList.sort(comparing(Apple :: getWeight)
                      .thenComparing(Apple :: getCountry));

Composing Functions
The Function interfaces comes with two default methods: andThen and compose that both
return an instance of Function.

The method andThen returns a function that applies a given function first to an input, and
then applies another function to the result of that application.
Function<Integer, Integer> f = x -> x + 1;
Function<Integer, Integer> g = x -> x * 2;
Function<Integer, Integer> h = f.andThen(g); 
int result = h.apply(1);  // 4

The method compose will first apply the function given as argument to compose and then apply the function to the result. It works opposite to andThen
Function<Integer, Integer> h = f.compose(g); 
int result = h.apply(1); // 3

In the next part, I will cover another interesting feature 'Processing Data with Streams'

Wednesday 30 July 2014


Here's a simple example to demonstrate the usage of EhCache

 <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
  <defaultCache maxElementsInMemory="10000" eternal="false"
  timeToIdleSeconds="120" timeToLiveSeconds="120" overflowToDisk="true"
  diskSpoolBufferSizeMB="30" maxElementsOnDisk="10000000"
  diskPersistent="false" diskExpiryThreadIntervalSeconds="120"
  memoryStoreEvictionPolicy="LRU" />
  <cache name="newsCache" maxElementsInMemory="1"
  maxElementsOnDisk="1" eternal="false" overflowToDisk="true"
  diskSpoolBufferSizeMB="20" timeToIdleSeconds="300" timeToLiveSeconds="600"
  memoryStoreEvictionPolicy="LRU" />
 import com.newslive.actions.cache.EChache.EHCacheManger;  
 import net.sf.ehcache.Cache;  
 import net.sf.ehcache.CacheManager;  
 import net.sf.ehcache.Element;  
 import java.util.Iterator;  
 import java.util.List;  
  * Created by mami01 on 11/03/14.  
 public class TestEhCache {  
   public static void main(String[] args) {  
     CacheManager manager = new CacheManager("ehcache.xml");  
     Cache newsCache = manager.getCache("newsCache");  
     newsCache.put(new Element("2","Hello"));  
     newsCache.put(new Element("3", "Bye"));  
     getElementFromCache(newsCache, "3");  
     getElementFromCache(newsCache, "4");  
     getElementFromCache(newsCache, "3");  
     getElementFromCache(newsCache, "4");  
     getElementFromCache(newsCache, "3");  
   private static void displayElementInCache(Cache newsCache) {  
     System.out.println("Elements in the Cache");  
     List<String> list = newsCache.getKeys();  
     Iterator<String> itr = list.iterator();  
     while (itr.hasNext()) {  
       String key =;  
       Element ele = newsCache.get(key);  
       System.out.println(ele.getObjectKey() + " " + ele.getObjectValue());  
   private static void getElementFromCache(Cache newsCache, String key) {  
     Element element = newsCache.get(key);  
     if (null != element) { // Cache Hit  
       System.out.println("Cache Hit - " + element.getObjectValue());  
     } else { // Cache Miss  
       // Retreive from DB and add this to cache  
       System.out.println("Cache Miss - Fetching from DB ...");  
       newsCache.put(new Element(key,"default"));  

Spring Notes

Spring uses Factory Pattern - as the creation of objects is done through Bean Factory

Setter Injection - using property tag
Constructor Injection - using constructor-arg -- we use type and index to solve ambiguity

Inner Beans - A bean defined within another bean for a property
Aliases - alternate bean name - can be specified using <alias> tag and also using the name attribute of <bean>
idref - validating to ensure the bean referenced using only the id attribute

we can use autowire = "byName/byType/constructor"

Bean Scopes
1. Singleton - default, can have only instance at any point of time for a given spring container
2. Prototype - each call will a separate bean
The below are used in web-context
3. request - each request will have a new bean
4. session - the bean will be reused within the session
5. global session - used in the context of portlets

ApplicationContextAware - need to override setApplicationContext()
BeanNameAware - need to override setBeanName()

Bean Definition Inheritance
--> One bean can use re-use the other bean's properties - we have to use 'parent' attribute

Life Cycle Methods
--> use ctx.registerShutdownHook() to close/destroy all the beans tht hv been configured
InitializingBean - need to implement afterPropertiesSet() - will execute once bean has finished initialisation
DisposableBean - need to implement destroy() - will execute before destroying the bean
-----------------------Alternative --------------------------
write custom methods initCustom() and destroyCustom()
In the spring config, declare in the bean definition as follows:
destroy-method ="destroyCustom"
------------------Alternative - we can define globally for all beans ----------------
In the spring config, declare in the root <beans> tag
default-destroy-method ="destroyCustom"

-> Executes after every bean is initialised
--> Need to implement the below callback methods:
 postProcessBeforeInitialization(Object bean, String nameOfTheBean)
 postProcessAfterInitialization(Object bean, String nameOfTheBean)
--> Need to declare the bean which implements BeanPostProcessor in the config file

--> Executes when the beanFactory is initialized, then only the singleton's for the beans are initialized
--> Need to implement the postProcessBeanFactory(ConfigurableListBeanFactory beanFactory)
-->Ex:- provided by spring out-of-the box PropertyPlaceHolderConfigurer
   <bean class="org.springframework.beans.factory.config.PropertyPlaceHolderConfigurer >
        <property name="locations" value="" />

Tuesday 29 July 2014


I was inspired by the article from Martin Flower on microservices , here's some important short notes from his article.

The Microservice architectural style is an approach to developing a single application as a suite of small services, each running in its own process and communicating with lightweight mechanisms, often an HTTP resource API. 
These services are built around business capabilities and independently deployable by fully automated deployment machinery. 
There is a bare minimum of centralized management of these services, which may be written in different programming languages and use different data storage technologies.

comparing Monolithic applications with Microservices:

Figure 1

Other useful references:

Monday 28 July 2014

Springboot - simple RESTFul webservice implementation using JSON

Spring Boot makes it easy to create stand-alone, production-grade Spring based Applications that can you can "just run". 


  • Create stand-alone Spring applications
  • Embed Tomcat or Jetty directly (no need to deploy WAR files)
  • Provide opinionated 'starter' POMs to simplify your Maven configuration
  • Automatically configure Spring whenever possible
  • Provide production-ready features such as metrics, health checks and externalized configuration
  • Absolutely no code generation and no requirement for XML configuration
I was inspired the talk @SpringeXchange Nov-2014 on Developing Bootiful applications using Spring Boot. I have created a sample project created for reference on the features explained .

Here's an example which I have used to create a simple RESTFul webservice implementation using JSON message

pom. xml

 <pre style="font-family: Andale Mono, Lucida Console, Monaco, fixed, monospace; 
                color: #000000; background-color: #eee;
                font-size: 12px; border: 1px dashed #999999;
                line-height: 14px; padding: 5px; 
                overflow: auto; width: 100%">
       <code style="color:#000000;word-wrap:normal;">

           <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<project xmlns="" xmlns:xsi=""


    <description>Demo project</description>

        <relativePath/> <!-- lookup parent from repository -->




import com.biomedcentral.demo.domain.Employee;
import org.springframework.web.bind.annotation.*;

import java.util.*;

 * Created by mami01 on 28/07/14.

public class EmployeeController {

    //Map to store employees, ideally we should use database
    Map<Integer, Employee> empData = new HashMap<Integer, Employee>();

    @RequestMapping(value = EmpRestURIConstants.DUMMY_EMP, method = RequestMethod.GET)
    public Employee getDummyEmployee() {
        Employee emp = new Employee();
        emp.setCreateDate(new Date());
        empData.put(9999, emp);
        return emp;

    @RequestMapping(value = EmpRestURIConstants.GET_EMP, method = RequestMethod.GET)
    public Employee getEmployee(@PathVariable("id") int empId) {
        return empData.get(empId);

    @RequestMapping(value = EmpRestURIConstants.GET_ALL_EMP, method = RequestMethod.GET)
    public List<Employee> getAllEmployees() {
        List<Employee> employeeList = new ArrayList<Employee>();
        Set<Integer> empIds = empData.keySet();
        for (Integer i : empIds)
        return  employeeList;

    @RequestMapping(value = EmpRestURIConstants.CREATE_EMP, method = RequestMethod.POST)
    public Employee createEmployee(@RequestBody Employee emp) {
        emp.setCreateDate(new Date());
        empData.put(emp.getId(), emp);
        return emp;

    @RequestMapping(value = EmpRestURIConstants.DELETE_EMP, method = RequestMethod.PUT)
    public Employee deleteEmployee(@PathVariable("id") int empId) {
        Employee emp = empData.get(empId);
        return emp;
import com.fasterxml.jackson.annotation.JsonProperty;
import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.annotation.JsonSerialize;
import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.ser.std.DateSerializer;

import java.util.Date;

 * Created by mami01 on 28/07/14.
public class Employee implements Serializable {

    private static final long serialVersionUID = -7788619177798333712L;

    private int id;
    private String name;
    private Date createDate;

    public int getId() {
        return id;

    public void setId(int id) { = id;

    public String getName() {
        return name;

    public void setName(String name) { = name;

    @JsonSerialize(using = DateSerializer.class)
    public Date getCreateDate() { //Date conversion from Java type to JSON format and vice versa
        return createDate;

    public void setCreateDate(Date createDate) {
        this.createDate = createDate;

Thursday 19 June 2014



Low Latency -  One fast answer
High Throughput – All answers as fast as possible
JVM – Write once, run anywhere

Minor GC – moves the live objects from Eden space to Survivor spaces. If the objects are old enough then they are promoted to Old Generation space.

TenuringThreshold -Number of times the object has been copied between Survivor spaces. Default 7

Avoid large object allocations – which may directly go in Old Gen pace

The Objects will be placed in Finalizer queue and the queue will not necessary run everytime a GC cycle runs.

CMS – is good and runs currently along with application threads
No Compaction of data– we have to use free list and has fragmentation of heap

When Minor GC runs, it will free-up the space in Eden and Survivor1 and copies the live copies to Survivor2.

It stores as logically continuous area then physically

When Minor GC, happens

After Minor GC completion

The Eden space and survivor is empty now, the remaining live objects are copied to other survivor space region and the live objects which are promoted are copied to Old Gen region.

JVM parameters in Java   - JVM option it can be divided into two parts:

1)    JVM Options that begin with -X are non-standard (thy are not guaranteed to be supported on all JVM implementations), and are subject to change without notice in subsequent releases of the JDK.
2)    JVM Options or parameters which are specified with -XX are not stable and are not recommended for casual use. These options are subject to change without notice also.

Stack size -> -Xss
Heap size -> -Xms[starting size] –Xmx[maximum size]